He began selling the T-shirts online and was immediately flooded with orders.

He had created the Home T and had soon noticed that people would love the shirt when they saw their own home state. He missed the people, the accents, the sweet tea and the barbecues. He began his pitch by explaining to the sharks how he had found himself in New York City and had missed his home state of South Carolina. When he came before the sharks Ryan was hoping for a $250,000 investment in exchange for 5% of his business, a huge valuation for the company of $5 million. Seeking a shark for a partner, someone who could open doors for him with big retailers, and ease his companies growth, seemed like an idea without any risks to the business, and in March 2015 Ryan appeared on Series 6 of the show. Ryan’s instinct was correct, and he soon found a huge market for his T-shirts, but he still wanted to move his business to the next level. He founded the Home T business and based on the positive reaction that the shirts had on people when they saw him wearing one, Ryan believed that there would be a huge demand for them. That feeling of missing home is what led him to the idea of producing and selling a T-shirt for every state. Living with his wife in New York city he constantly found himself longing for the little things that made his home state so unique and welcoming. In 2010, Ryan Shell was missing his home in North Carolina. Home T Now In 2023 – After Shark Tank Updates.